Sunday, April 10, 2011

Cold Pizza Time

_______________________________________  Announcing a new writer joining the team- Cold Pizza! 

I first met Cold Pizza when he came into my store looking for "a special brand of guinea pig shampoo from Morocco." No lie.

From his bio:
Cold Pizza is a 2nd year Philosophy Major/ Polynesian Culinary Minor, who studies recreational pharmaceuticals in his spare time. He has a large collection of ferrets, including a prize-winning, short-haired, Imperial Mongolian Marsh ferret named Violet. He enjoys extreme sports and Progressive Rock from the comfort of his leathern chaise lounge. 

Please give a hearty welcome to Cold Pizza, and his upcoming column: Sinsemilla Study!
                                                  Cold Pizza in happier times

Greeting y’all. Basically I’m going to review whatever new variety of marijuana I can get my hands on. Then I’ll review it here. I live in Iowa, so I may have stuff you don’t, but I’ll do my best to be clinical and fair. I want to thank Fred for inviting me to TSMIZ. If I hadn't mistaken his weird comic book/record store for a pet shop, we never would have talked! Peace!


  1. Dear MA reahb place who just emailed me. I, myself, do not indulge in anything stronger than an occasional whiskey. Unless coffee becomes a problem in America-go away.

    I'm high on life, suckas!!

    ps CP speaks for himself.

  2. Damn right! What's with the happier times caption?

  3. That's the pic you gave me. And you looked pretty happy in it. Did you know that puppets go far back into human history? All the way back to the cave. Also, Back to the Cave, is the name of my new Stoner Rock album.
