Thursday, April 28, 2011


I know. We haven't really had anything going on here for a week or so. Our deepest apologies. We are sweeping so low our capes have touched the ground. Alright, hats back on. With school finals over soon, I'll be able to devote more time to the site with all the intensity of Rod Serling in this photo! Well, maybe not that intense.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sinsenmilla Study- Alaskan Thunderfuck Review by Cold Pizza

                     Sinsenmilla Study!!!
                                 by Cold Pizza



                                                         The Alaskan Thunderfuck
CP here. Here are how I judge the herbage: Smell, Taste, Potency,  Relaxation quality, and Name.

Okay, here goes…

Smell: It smells dank, but all this stuff does. I don’t know. If you put a rotten tomato into a Starbucks coffee cup, and then grew a marijuana plant next to it, maybe it would smell like this.

Taste: I’m not going to lie. It tastes like smoke. There’s also a sweetness to it too. In the aftertaste. Kind of like pop. Maybe Dr. Pepper.

Potency: I’ve smoked two jays and I am ripped as I type this. So I think that means it is potent. Potent. Poooooteeeeent.

Relaxation quality: I am not very relaxed. In fact I want to stop typing and go buy an orange creamsicle. I’m afraid Johnny Law maybe be in the parking lot. I guess I am paranoid. Paranoia cha cha cha. Paranoia cha cha cha.                                  
Name: I like it. I wouldn’t say the name around my grammy, but she doesn’t smoke anyway.

Fred can we get a drawing of the bud wearing the crown? I’m out.

[Editor Freditor: We already have that pic of the plant you sent. I could toss a crown on that. Not everything needs a crown, CP!]


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Cold Pizza Time

_______________________________________  Announcing a new writer joining the team- Cold Pizza! 

I first met Cold Pizza when he came into my store looking for "a special brand of guinea pig shampoo from Morocco." No lie.

From his bio:
Cold Pizza is a 2nd year Philosophy Major/ Polynesian Culinary Minor, who studies recreational pharmaceuticals in his spare time. He has a large collection of ferrets, including a prize-winning, short-haired, Imperial Mongolian Marsh ferret named Violet. He enjoys extreme sports and Progressive Rock from the comfort of his leathern chaise lounge. 

Please give a hearty welcome to Cold Pizza, and his upcoming column: Sinsemilla Study!
                                                  Cold Pizza in happier times

Greeting y’all. Basically I’m going to review whatever new variety of marijuana I can get my hands on. Then I’ll review it here. I live in Iowa, so I may have stuff you don’t, but I’ll do my best to be clinical and fair. I want to thank Fred for inviting me to TSMIZ. If I hadn't mistaken his weird comic book/record store for a pet shop, we never would have talked! Peace!

Friday, April 1, 2011


                                                         photo via  Universal Pictures
Just watched Universal's "House Of Dracula" again, and something occurred to me: The writers really dropped the ball! How cool would it have been if Dracula and the Wolfman turned on Frankenstein and turned him into Dracuwolfenstein? Sure it would severely limit Frankenstein's rampages timewise, (he'd be in a coffin during the day) but when dusk falls and it's a full moon? Dracuwolfenstein is on the hunt!